WHM/cPanel Control Panel Security
- Tweaking WHM security center
- Enable cPHulk
- Use secure passwords
- Secure SSH
- Secure Apache
- Harden your operating system
- Restrict the system compilers
- Disable unused services and daemons
- Monitor your system
- Control access to services by IP Address
- Prevent email abuse
- Stay up-to-date
WHM/cPanel Performance & Optimization
- SSL Expired Alert
- Load Alert Notification
- Apache Optimization.
- Nignx Optimization.
- PHP-FPM for apache.
- Server Load Monitor
- Database optimization.
- Exim mail server optimized.
- Daily Process Log
- Hide login password from cgi scripts
- SMTP restrictions
WHM/cPanel Security Installations
- Require SSL
- Security Advisor
- Configure ClamAV Scanner
- Password Strength Configuration
- Apache mod_userdir Tweak
- Shell Fork Bomb Protection
- EasyApache configuration checklist
- Installations Firewall
- Installations chkrootkit
- ConfigServer eXploit Scanner
- ImunifyAV and Imunify360
- Linux Malware Detect
cPanel Server Security at its very best
Just for $35/Monthly
20% Discount on quarterly plan
Protect your critical data with Security Services
cPanel & Web Host Manager (WHM) are the tools which are built for Linux OS, they offer the potential to automate web hosting tasks through an easy graphical user interface. The aim is to make managing servers simpler for you and managing websites simpler for your clients.
Server security is important for the safety of the server, websites, and data used by you for your business. Those who wish to steal or use your data, develop new means of hacks and attacks. Hence, it is vital to safeguard and update your servers continuously.
Several security measures have to be implemented while the initial set up of the server, whereas other measures are part of scheduled maintenance.